child doing homework
PLAN for GOOD Behavior

"Teaching children the important things, one kid at a time..."


How can you keep kids safe through the teen years? I made these little videos to help.


I made this little video to help children learn that drugs can harm your brain.

You can use the information contained in this guide to educate your kids about the dangers of drug addiction.

Just like a computer can become damaged and stop working right, our brains can be hurt if exposed to illegal drugs. A brain that can think is a wonderful thing! Don't throw it away just because someone tells you it might be fun.  It won't be fun at all if you lose your ability to think straight.



Drugs and Alcohol can give a sense of FALSE FREEDOM that can lead to bad decisions, poor behavior, panic and fear - and can lead to jail or even mental illness. If you or a relative have a diagnosis of a mental disorder, or a genetic predisposition to mental illness, there's even more reason to stay away from non prescription drugs and alcohol, that can bring on those problems.

Stay INSIDE the SAFETYZONE - AWAY from Drugs and Alcohol!  ©Ruth Elliott, 2008 Music by Mike Elliott

It's not just parents who want to help.  One great student, Ashley, did some research on her own and shared this terrific site with resources on drug and alcohol prevention and help for those who have no where to turn:

Thanks, Ashley!



Visit www. for amazing insight on how the brain is influenced by drugs alcohol and toxins. There's still hope to turn things around! You'll want to keep your kids off drugs, for sure!

"When you're ready to seek help, the most effective therapist I know is Dr. Raymond Jones:   He is absolutely amazing in his ability to help people of all ages overcome addictions, save marriages, and conquer obstacles holding them back from their goals. Accessible by telephone and Skype.  I highly recommend him." - Ruth Elliott

For professional advice HOW to keep your kids off drugs, Go to this link, or click on the picture on the right

Empowering Parents can help you reach your teen in trouble:

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This site represents personal opinions meant for informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute for professional advice.
